Legal Notice


IKW team GmbH
Kirchtruderinger Straße 21
81829 Munich

Phone: +49 89 431 73 22
Email: team24(at)

Authorized representatives (Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer):

Michael Koller
Regina Koller

Situs and Court of Registry (Registergericht): München HRB 135348
VAT registration number (Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer – Ust-ID-Nr.): DE 213 276 400


Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the content of this website, IKW team does not assume responsibility for the content including the content of external links. Responsibility for linked pages lies exclusively with the operators of these sites. IKW team does neither attempt to adopt those contents as its own, nor do they reflect the values or opinions of IKW team.

IKW team does not guarantee the correctness of these web pages and that they are kept up-to-date at all times.

IKW team does not guarantee the accessibility of web pages in general or of individual sites. The structure of these pages, their content, or their appearance may change at any time without prior notice. Pages are not guaranteed to be available after their deletion.


IKW team web pages are protected through copyright laws. The protection includes the page design with its design features, as well as graphic elements and contents. Included in the contents are certificate databases, texts, and link collections.

The use of these web pages is legal within the realm of saving, duplication, and printing of the pages. Changing, adapting and modifying these pages, as well as passing them on to third parties as a whole or in part, in a graphic- or content- related manner is prohibited. Furthermore, a duplicated page may not be made accessible for networks of any kind, especially the Internet. Other laws not specifically mentioned may apply.

All names of products, services, or companies that are mentioned on IKW team web pages, but are not offered by or are part of IKW team belong to the respective companies or are protected through them.

Contact for any messages in regards to Code of Conduct topics: